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IFIP SEC 2020 – new date – September 21 – 23 2020 in Maribor, Slovenia
As already indicated the IFIP SEC 2020 conference is being rescheduled and will take place September 21 – 23, 2020 in Maribor, Slovenia.
We will keep you informed about other details as soon as possible.
We thank you for your understanding.
IFIP SEC 2020 Registration now open!
We are pleased to announce that registration is now open!
You can register for IFIP SEC 2020 at the following link: http://sec2020.um.si/registration/registration-form/.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Maribor, Slovenia.
Call for iNetSec workshop papers – co-located event
The deadline for IFIP SEC 2020 paper submission has passed, but there is still time to submit papers to WG 11.4 Workshop – iNetSec 2020 unitl 1 March 2020! The workshop will be held as a colocated event to IFIP SEC 2020. See you in Maribor, Slovenia.
Call for WISE workshop papers – co-located event
The deadline for IFIP SEC 2020 paper submission has passed, but there is still time to submit papers to The 13th World Conference on Information Security Education (WISE) until 10 February 2020! The workshop will be held as a colocated event to IFIP SEC 2020. See you in Maribor, Slovenia.
Deadline for submission of papers to IFIP SEC 2020 is extended until January 5, 2020 (firm deadline)
We have extended the deadline for IFIP SEC 2020 to January 5, 2020: http://sec2020.um.si/call-for-papers/.
These are the most common words from the topics of IFIP SEC 2020:
Yves Deswarte Best Student Paper Award
The best student paper will receive the Yves Deswarte Best Student Paper Award. The paper must be original and carried out principally by the student presenting the paper, and the student must be the lead author. A student who is to be considered for the best paper award must be a full time (as determined by the student’s institution) registered undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral student at the time of submission of the paper.
Read more about the award here: http://sec2020.um.si/yves-deswarte-best-student-paper-award/
13th World Conference on Information Security Education (WG 11.8)
The 13th World Conference on Information Security Education (WISE) is a co-located event of IFIP SEC 2020.
Further information is available here: https://www.ifiptc11.org/wg118-events/wise13
Call for papers for IFIP SEC 2020 published
We have published the Call for papers for IFIP SEC 2020: http://sec2020.um.si/call-for-papers/.
These are the most common words from the topics of IFIP SEC 2020:
We are looking forward to your submission!
IFIP SEC 2020 Venue
We are happy to announce that IFIP SEC 2020 will take place at a 4* Hotel City, Maribor.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Maribor in May 2020!